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Please read our COVID-19 updates below when attending a face-to-face appointment at the clinic.

[Updated July 2021]


Medical & health services can keep running during national lockdowns. Our procedures have been amended and safety measures have been put in place to reduce the risk to our staff, patients and general public. These will be reviewed regularly.


Of course, should you prefer to move your appointment online, we can also do so.


If you book into a face-to-face appointment, you will be required to fill in our screening forms sent to you by email after your booking and (if required) one of our physios will contact you via zoom or phone to ensure this is appropriate and safe for you to attend.


While we are doing everything we can to reduce the risks, please be aware that there is no way that we can completely eliminate the risk of you contracting Covid-19 during face-to-face appointments. Don't hesitate to call, email or chat to us below if you have any questions regarding booking a face-to-face appointment.






  • There will only be one Physiotherapist working per clinic room per day.

  • Appointments will be spaced with 15 minutes between each. This will minimise patient overlap, limiting the amount of people in the clinic at any one time. It will also enable the clinician to disinfect equipment and all surfaces that have been touched by either the clinician or patient and time to change PPE. This includes, but not limited to: plinths, seat handles, door handles, taps, light switches and toilet facility. 

  • Couch covers will not be used.

  • If pillows MUST be used for treatment, pillow covers will be changed by the clinician between appointments.

  • Disposable, single use, couch roll will be used on the couch.

  • The doors to the treatment room and reception will be left open to maximise ventilation (except for when they need to be closed for your privacy).

  • Professional cleaners will perform regular deep cleans. 





As appropriate, your therapist will be wearing the following PPE during your appointment:


  • PPE facemask (single use)

  • Non-latex gloves (single use) when required

  • Apron (single use) when required

  • Goggles / visor when required





We ask you to please adhere to the following rules:


  • Make payment online rather than at the clinic

  • If you develop any symptoms in the two weeks following your consultation please notify us immediately. 

  • Please wear a face mask/face covering when in the building and throughout the duration of your appointment.

  • Arrive 10 minutes before the starting time of your session. 

  • Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds in the toilet facility outside the clinic room or clean your hands with hand sanitiser before you enter the clinic. Hand sanitiser is freely available inside the clinic. 

  • Upon arrival, sign the written consent form consenting to treatment in the light of the risk of contracting Covid-19 and understanding that every possible precaution has been taken to avoid contamination. 

  • Maintain a 2 meter distance from anyone else in the waiting area.

  • Maintain a 2 meter distance from your clinician for the parts of your session that are possible to do so.

  • Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds in the toilet facility located outside the clinic room or clean your hands with hand sanitiser after your appointment/leaving the clinic. Hand sanitiser is freely available inside the clinic. 


We may terminate your appointment if you do not comply and be liable for the full cost of the appointment. 



  • You feel generally unwell

  • You have fever 

  • You have a persistent Cough 

  • You have sudden loss of smell or taste

  • You have been in close contact with someone with Coronavirus 

  • You or anyone in your household are self isolating or shielding

  • You have travelled from overseas in the last 14 days

  • If you are unable to visit the clinic for the above reasons, we can offer you a remote consultation


If any of these situations relate to yourself the current government Covid-19 advice is:

  • to self-isolate

  • call NHS 111


You may also be better having a remote consultation, if you are:

  • Over the age of 70

  • are significantly overweight 

  • of BAME ethnicity

  • or have diseases which could weaken the immune system such as: Diabetes, HIV/AIDS, Rheumatoid arthritis on multiple medication, Pre-existing infection, Alcohol abuse, Long term steroid use, Cancer diagnosis for which you are actively having treatment


Alternatively you can speak to one of our clinicians to confirm the best course of action on 0208 058 6062 or via email at






If you have any suggestions or questions regarding your face-to-face or virtual consultations with us please do not hesitate to contact us via email at




Our clinicians will go above and beyond to ensure you get the best out of your intervention. With experience as senior clinicians in the NHS, in private clinics, Premiere League clubs and in some of the biggest firms in the City - we're confident with can get you back on track towards achieving your own unique goals as soon as feasible.


Our systems are simple and effective, and our treatments based on the latest evidence. Book, pay, change appointments in 2 secs. Forget stickmen drawings, we'll get you on our exercise app which integrates with your phone, smartwatch and allows communication with your physio when not in clinic.


We want your experience to be as seamless as possible. Because results only come with commitment, we support you when you leave the clinic too. Stay in touch with your clinician via video, email or messenger; get the answers to your questions as soon as they come up and stay on track in between sessions.

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